Feb 6, 20248 min read
"You still take a dump in war."
My anxiety and depression developed when I was a teenager, and life always felt overwhelming. I longed for an escape, something that...
172 views9 comments

Dec 6, 20235 min read
COVID, Chemo & A Crying Baby
About halfway through the first section of chemo, I started reading about the next set of meds I would be receiving: Doxorubicin and...
147 views10 comments

Oct 20, 20235 min read
"3 Months Down!"
...the neon pink, orange, and green sign tacked on my door declared. My buddy, Dominique, and I were driving home from my last Taxol...
186 views7 comments

Aug 22, 20236 min read
I am going to be bald.
I was surprisingly calm the morning of my first chemotherapy, scheduled for Friday at 11 am. The baby woke up at 6:45 am, and we started...
198 views9 comments

Aug 10, 20234 min read
My cousin, Dave.
I spent many childhood summers with my brother, Tommy, and three boy cousins, David, Dean, and Jimmy, on the central coast of California...
174 views9 comments

Aug 3, 20232 min read
"You are now entering the twilight zone."
Dr. R recommends installing a port to save my veins from the numerous weekly pokes I will receive. A port is an implantable device placed...
217 views13 comments

Aug 1, 20234 min read
"The goal will be for a cure."
Before my diagnosis, I did not know how or what a cancer medical team or treatment looked like and operated. It's funny how, when you are...
133 views7 comments